Education program / In-house UXR training

Achieve team growth, return on investment and internal alignment when you invest in in-house training and education.

A customised user experience research (UXR) program focuses on empowering your team to understand and meet users' needs as well as develop soft skills, collaboration and team building.

We help develop teams with content directly related to the organizations' or products' goals and with participatory learning activities. Using user research tools and methodologies we help strengthen your internal UXR practice and provide your team with new techniques for their tool kits.

User journey

Dedicated programs to enhance your teams' work to create, review and adjust the user journeys of your customers and align them with current business and product goals.

User persona

Support team collaborations clarifying ambiguity around user persona and learn how to use personas meaningfully, understand what they are good for and when to choose a to focus on demographics, psychographics and mindsets.

Mental models

Support for teams to better understand product users and learn how to break the user journey into cognitive and emotional states.

User interviews

Extend your teams' capabilities by learning how to apply user interviews methodologies to generate the insights you need to improve and scope new features, products and services.

User testing

Develop internal capacity to craft and facilitate fast user testing on existing products and design prototypes. Develop a team habit to generate meaningful and insightful user feedback to ensure user perspective is always included in decision-making.


Support to develop an internal assessment methodology to evaluate success. Transform user research into meaningful qualitative data points business can work with to better direct product and service improvement.

Education program /

Product validation methodology

For product owners and business leaders who want to optimise resources and develop digital products users wants, fast.

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